§ 94-111. Definitions.
§ 94-112. Statement of policy.
§ 94-113. Public employees relations commission—Created; composition; organization; authority.
§ 94-114. Same—Powers and duties.
§ 94-115. Public employer's rights.
§ 94-116. Public employees' rights; organization and representation.
§ 94-117. Dues for employee organization; deduction and collection.
§ 94-118. Registration of employee organization.
§ 94-119. Certification of employee organization.
§ 94-120. Revocation of certificate of employee organization.
§ 94-121. Collective bargaining agreement; approval or rejection.
§ 94-122. Grievance procedures.
§ 94-123. Resolution of impasses.
§ 94-124. Factors to be considered by special master.
§ 94-125. Compensation of mediator and special master; expenses.
§ 94-126. Records.
§ 94-127. Unfair labor practices.
§ 94-128. Charges of unfair labor practices.
§ 94-129. Enforcement of commission orders.
§ 94-130. Judicial review of commission orders.
§ 94-131. Strikes prohibited.
§ 94-132. Violation of strike prohibition; penalties.
§ 94-133. Acts prohibited.
§ 94-134. Merit or civil service system; applicability.
§ 94-135. Existing agreements.
§ 94-136. Government in the sunshine.
§ 94-137. Violations not grounds for commission recall.
§ 94-138. Review of commission rules.
§ 94-139. Pending Florida PERC cases.
§ 94-140. Representation in proceedings.
§ 94-141. Applicability of F.S. ch. 120.
§ 94-142. Financial urgency.