§ 94-132. Violation of strike prohibition; penalties.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Circuit courts having jurisdiction of the parties are vested with the authority to hear and determine all actions alleging violations of section 94-131. Suits to enjoin violations of section 94-131 will have priority over all matters on the court's docket except other emergency matters.


    If a public employee, a group of employees, an employee organization, or any officer, agent, or representative of any employee organization, engages in a strike in violation of section 94-131, either the commission or any public employer whose employees are involved or whose employees may be affected by the strike, may file suit to enjoin the strike in the circuit court having proper jurisdiction and proper venue of such actions under the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and the state statutes. The circuit court shall conduct a hearing, with the notice to the commission and to all interested parties, at the earliest practicable time. If the plaintiff makes a prima facie showing that a violation of section 94-131 is in progress or that there is a clear, real and present danger that such a strike is about to commence, the circuit court shall issue a temporary injunction enjoining the strike. Upon final hearing, the circuit court shall either make the injunction permanent or dissolve it.


    If an injunction issued pursuant to this section to enjoin a strike is not promptly complied with, on the application of the plaintiff the circuit court shall immediately initiate contempt proceedings against those who appear to be in violation. An employee organization found to be in contempt of court for violating an injunction against a strike shall be fined an amount deemed appropriate by the court. In determining the appropriate fine, the court shall objectively consider the extent of lost services and the particular nature and position of the employee group in violation. In no event shall the fine exceed $5,000.00. Each officer, agent or representative of an employee organization found to be in contempt of court for violating an injunction against a strike shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor more than $100.00 for each calendar day that the violation is in progress.


    An employee organization shall be liable for any damages which might be suffered by a public employer as a result of a violation of section 94-131 by the employee organization or its representatives, officers, or agents. The circuit court having jurisdiction over such actions is empowered to enforce judgments against employee organizations, as defined in this article, by attachment or garnishment of union initiation fees or dues which are to be deducted or checked off by public employers. No action shall be maintained pursuant to this subsection until all proceedings which were pending before the commission at the time of the strike or which were initiated within 30 days of the strike have been finally adjudicated or otherwise disposed of. In determining the amount of damages, if any, to be awarded to the public employer, the trier of fact shall take into consideration any action or inaction by the public employer or its agents that provoked or tended to provoke the strike by the public employees. The trier of fact shall also take into consideration any damages that might have been recovered by the public employer under subsection (f)(4) of this section.


    If the commission after a hearing on notice conducted according to rules promulgated by the commission determines an employee has violated section 94-131, it may order the termination of his employment by the public employer. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person knowingly violating the provision of such section may subsequent to such violation be appointed or reappointed, employed or reemployed, as a public employee, but only upon the following conditions:


    Such person shall be on probation for a period of six months following his appointment or reappointment, employment or reemployment, during which period he shall serve without tenure. During this period, the person may be discharged only upon a showing of just cause.


    His compensation may in no event exceed that received by him immediately prior to the time of the violation.


    The compensation of the person may not be increased until after the expiration of one year from such appointment or reappointment, employment or reemployment.


    If the commission determines that an employee organization has violated section 94-131, it may:


    Issue cease and desist orders as necessary to ensure compliance with its order.


    Suspend or revoke the certification of the employee organization as the bargaining agent of such employee unit.


    Revoke the right of dues deduction and collection previously granted to the employee organization pursuant to the provisions of this article.


    Fine the organization up to $20,000.00 for each calendar day of such violation or determine the approximate cost to the public due to each calendar day of the strike and fine the organization an amount equal to such cost, notwithstanding the fact that the fine may exceed $20,000.00 for each such calendar day. The fines so collected shall immediately accrue to the public employer and shall be used by it to replace those services denied the public as a result of the strike. In determining the amount of damages, if any, to be awarded to the public employer, the commission shall take into consideration any action or inaction by the public employer or its agents that provoked, or tended to provoke, the strike by the public employees.

    An organization determined to be in violation of section 94-131 shall not be certified until one year from the date of final payment of any fine against it.

(Ord. No. 76-20, § 1.019, 9-28-76; Ord. No. 80-9, § 17, 3-18-80; Ord. No. 80-25, § 10, 7-8-80)

State law reference

Similar provisions, F.S. § 447.507.