§ 94-113. Public employees relations commission—Created; composition; organization; authority.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    There is hereby created the public employees relations commission, referred to in this article as the "commission." The commission shall be composed of a chairman and two full-time members, and one part-time alternate member, to be appointed by the county administrator subject to confirmation by the board of county commissioners, from persons representative of the public, known for their objective and independent judgment, who shall not be employed by or hold any commission with any governmental unit in the state or any employee organization, as defined in this article, while in such office. Notwithstanding any provision of F.S. § 447.205 to the contrary, members of the local commission shall be appointed so that the composition of the local commission is as follows: One appointee who is a person who, on account of previous vocation, employment, or affiliation, is or has been classified as a representative of employers; one appointee who is a person who, on account of previous vocation, employment, or affiliation, is, or has been, classified as a representative of employees or employee organizations; and all other appointees, including alternates, shall be persons who, on account of previous vocation, employment, or affiliation, are not, or have not been, classified as a representative of employers or of employees or employee organizations. The commissioners shall devote such time as is necessary to the performance of their commission duties and shall not engage in any other business, vocation, or employment while in such office which will interfere with their duties under this article. The term of office shall be four years, except that initially one member shall be appointed for a term of one year, one member for two years, one member for three years, and the alternate member for four years. In the event of a vacancy prior to the expiration of a term of office, an appointment shall be made for the unexpired term of that office. The chairman shall be responsible for the administrative functions of the commission and shall have the authority to employ such personnel as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this article. Once appointed, the chairman shall serve as chairman for the duration of his term. Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit a chairman or commissioner from serving multiple terms. The chairman shall also have the authority to call the alternate commissioner to serve during such times as the alternate commissioner's presence is necessary to complete a quorum for the conduct of commission business. The presence of three members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of commission business.


    The chairman and the remaining members of the commission shall be paid an honorarium in an amount to be established by the board of county commissioners for each day they are engaged in the work of the commission. The chairman and other members shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses under this article, as provided for in F.S. § 112.061.


    The commission, in the performance of its powers and duties under this article, shall not be subject to control, supervision, or direction by the county administrator or board of county commissioners.


    The property, personnel and appropriations related to the commission's specified authority, powers, duties, and responsibilities shall be provided to the commission by the board of county commissioners.


    The commission shall make such expenditures, including expenditures for personal services and rent, for law books, books of reference, periodicals, furniture, equipment, and supplies, and for printing and binding, as may be necessary in exercising its authority and powers and carrying out its duties and responsibilities. All such expenditures of the commission shall be allowed and paid upon the presentation of itemized vouchers therefor approved by the chairman and upon authorization of the board of county commissioners.


    The commission may charge, in its discretion, for publications, subscriptions and copies of records and documents. Such funds shall be deposited in a trust fund to be established by the commission and shall be used to help defray the cost of providing such publications, subscriptions and copies of records and documents.


    The commission shall maintain and keep open during reasonable business hours an office in the county for the transaction of its business, at which office its official records and papers shall be kept. The commission may hold sessions and conduct hearings at any place within the county.


    The commission is expressly authorized to provide by rule for, and to destroy, obsolete records of the commission.


    The deliberations of the commission in any proceeding before it shall be exempt from the provisions of F.S. ch. 286. Provided, however, that any hearing held or oral argument held by the commission pursuant to F.S. ch. 120 or this article shall be open to the public. All draft orders developed in preparation for, or preliminary to, the issuance of a final written order shall be exempt from the provisions of F.S. ch. 119.

(Ord. No. 76-20, § 1.003, 9-28-76; Ord. No. 80-9, § 3, 3-18-80; Ord. No. 80-25, § 2, 7-8-80; Ord. No. 80-48, § 1, 11-25-80)

State law reference

Local public relations commissions, F.S. § 447.603.

Cross reference

Boards, commissions, councils and authorities, § 2-226 et seq.