§ 146-6. Local designation of historic resources.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Designation of landmark and landmark site.


    Initiation of designation process . The designation process may be initiated by the owner(s), or their appointed agent(s), or the county planning director with consent of the owner(s) by filing an application for designation in a form provided by the county planning department. The historic resource database shall be used as the initial database when considering the designation of historic resources as a landmark and landmark site. Each request for designating a landmark shall include a request for the designation of a landmark site.


    Designation review process.


    Pinellas County Historic Preservation Board's review and recommendation. The historic preservation board shall conduct a public hearing on the proposed designation within 60 days of the submission of a completed application. Notice of the public hearing and notice to the owners shall state clearly the boundaries for the proposed landmark or landmark site. After evaluating the testimony, survey information and other material presented at the public hearing, the historic preservation board shall make a recommendation on the proposed designation. The historic preservation board may vote to defer its decision if adequate information is not available to make a decision but shall reconsider the application at the earliest opportunity after adequate information is made available. County staff shall notify the applicant and the property owner of the historic preservation board's recommendation.


    Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners' review and action. Upon receipt of the findings and recommendation of the historic preservation board, the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners shall hold a public hearing to consider the designation of an individual landmark and landmark site. At the board of county commissioners' public hearing, a representative of the historic preservation board may present the board's recommendation. The Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners shall approve, approve with modifications, defer or deny the proposed designation. The Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners may vote to defer its decision if adequate information is not available to make a decision but shall reconsider the application after adequate information is made available. County staff shall notify each applicant and property owner of the decision relating to his/her property and shall arrange that the designation of a property as a landmark and landmark site be recorded in the official zoning map.


    Designation of historic district.


    Development of an application to designate a historic district shall involve owners of property within the proposed historic district and any interested citizens.


    Initiation of designation process. The historic preservation overlay district shall be used to designate historic districts in unincorporated areas of the county. The zoning designation process may be initiated by the owners of the property within the proposed district, their appointed agents, or the planning director. Initiation of the zoning designation process shall require the consent of the property owners of at least two-thirds of the parcels located within the proposed district. The historic resource database shall be consulted when considering the designation of a historic district.


    The procedures for using the historic preservation overlay district shall be those utilized in implementing chapter 138 (zoning), except as they may be modified by provisions within this chapter. In cases where the provisions of chapter 138 and this chapter conflict, the provisions of this chapter shall govern.


    The historic preservation board shall review and make a recommendation on a proposal to apply the historic preservation overlay district using the process in subsection 146-6(a)(2). The historic preservation board recommendation shall be provided to both the local planning agency and the board of county commissioners for their consideration when making decisions on the proposed historic district designation.


    Application requirements for designation. The application form provided by the county planning department shall require that the applicant provide the following information:


    A written description of the architectural, historical, or archaeological significance of the proposed landmark and landmark site, or structures in the proposed historic district and specifically addressing and documenting those related points contained in the criteria for designation listed in this chapter;


    A copy of the Florida Master Site File for the subject property;


    Date of construction of the structures on the property;


    Photographs of the property; and


    Legal description and map of the property to be designated as a landmark, landmark site, or historic district.

    On applications for the designation of historic districts, the applicant shall also submit:


    A written description of the boundaries of the district; and


    A list of contributing resources.

    The county staff shall determine when an application is complete and may request additional information when such application is determined to be incomplete.


    Designation report. Prior to the designation of a landmark and landmark site or a historic district pursuant to this chapter, a designation report shall be prepared by county staff and provided to the historic preservation board, the local planning agency (proposed historic district designation only) and to the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners with any request for landmark and landmark site or historic district designation. The designation report shall contain the following information:


    Landmark and landmark sites:


    A physical description of the building, structure or site and its character-defining features, accompanied by photographs.


    A statement of the historic, cultural, architectural, archaeological or other significance of the building, structure or site as defined by the criteria for designation established by this chapter.


    A description of the existing condition of the building, structure or site including any potential threats or other circumstances that may affect the integrity of the building, structure or site.


    A statement of rehabilitative or adaptive use proposals.


    A location map, showing relevant zoning and land use information.


    Recommendations concerning the eligibility of the building, structure or site for designation pursuant to this chapter and a listing of those features of the building, structure or site which require specific historic preservation treatments.


    Historic districts:


    A physical description of the district, accompanied by photographs of buildings, structures or sites within the district indicating examples of contributing and noncontributing properties within the district. Also, a list of all contributing properties outside the proposed boundaries of the district.


    A description of typical architectural styles, character-defining features, and types of buildings, structures or sites within the district.


    An identification of all buildings, structures and sites within the district and the proposed classification of each as contributing, contributing with modifications, or noncontributing, with an explanation of the criteria utilized for the proposed classification.


    A statement of the historic, cultural, architectural, archaeological, or other significance of the district as defined by the criteria for designation established by this chapter.


    A statement of recommended boundaries for the district and a justification for those boundaries, along with a map showing the recommended boundaries.


    A statement of incentives requested, if any, and the specific guidelines which should be used in authorizing any alteration, demolition, relocation, excavation or new construction within the boundaries of the district.


    Criteria for designation of a landmark and landmark site, or historic district.


    The board of county commissioners shall have the authority to designate historic resources as a landmark, landmark site or historic district based upon their significance in the county's history, architecture, archaeology or culture and/or for their integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship or association, and because they:


    Are associated with distinctive elements of the cultural, social, political, economic, scientific, religious, prehistoric, or architectural history that have contributed to the pattern of history in the community, the county, southwestern Florida, the state or nation;


    Are associated with the lives of persons significant in the county's past;


    Embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, style or method of construction or are the work of a master; or that possess high artistic value; or that represent a distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction;


    Have yielded, or are likely to yield, information on history or prehistory; or


    Are listed or have been determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.


    A historic resource shall be deemed to have historic or cultural significance if it fulfills one or more of the following criteria:


    Is associated with the life or activities of a person of importance in local, state, or national history;


    Is the site of a historic event with a significant effect upon the county, state or nation;


    Is associated in a significant way with a major historic event;


    Is exemplary of the historical, political, cultural, economic, or social trends of the community in history; or


    Is associated in a significant way with a past or continuing institution which has contributed substantially to the life of the community.


    A historic resource shall be deemed to have architectural or aesthetic significance if it fulfills one or more of the following criteria:


    It portrays the environment in an era of history characterized by one or more distinctive design element or architectural styles;


    It embodies the characteristics of an architectural style, period or method of construction;


    It is a historic or outstanding work of a prominent architect, designer, or landscape architect; or


    It contains elements of design, detail, material, or craftsmanship which are of outstanding quality or which represented, in its time, a significant innovation, adaptation or response to the southwest Florida environment.


    Suspension of activities. Upon the filing of a designation request, no permits may be issued authorizing building, demolition, relocation or excavation on the subject property until such time as final action by the board of county commissioners has occurred. Any permits issued prior to filing of the designation request may be suspended.

(Ord. No. 12-33, § 5, 7-24-12; Ord. No. 14-25, § 1, 5-20-14)