§ 138-3602. Motor vehicle parking.  

Latest version.
  • Parking for motor vehicles shall be planned and provided for each land use. However, motor vehicle parking should not dominate the landscape or create excessive conflicts with the orderly movement of transportation.


    Motor vehicle parking quantity standards:


    Parking quantity standards are established for each use:


    Each use/development shall provide at least the minimum required number of motor vehicle parking stalls.


    In addition, some uses are limited to a maximum number of required parking stalls on the site.


    Table 138-3602.a—Motor Vehicle Parking Stall Quantity Standards establishes the parking stall quantity minimums and limits for each use.


    Parking for motor vehicles shall be provided with one of the following standards:


    The use/development shall provide the parking quantities consistent with Table 138-3602.a—Motor Vehicle Parking Stall Quantity Standards; or


    When the proposed use is not specifically listed, the use/development shall provide the parking quantity for a similar use listed in Table 138-3602.a—Motor Vehicle Parking Stall Quantity Standards. The similar use(s) shall be determined by the county administrator or designee; or


    When the use/development is located in a special district and separate parking quantity standards are established therein, the use/development shall provide the parking quantities specified for the special district; or


    The applicant may prepare a parking study to identify the parking demand for the proposed use/development. The parking shall be based on a pre-determined methodology as determined between the applicant and the county. If the county agrees with the parking study findings, the use/development may provide the parking quantity identified therein; or


    The use/development may seek flexibility from the parking quantity as a variance or administrative adjustment based on the limits and standards of chapter 138, article II, division 7, variances, waivers, and administrative adjustments.


    Allowed reductions. The minimum motor vehicle parking stall quantity for each site may be permitted with the following administrative reductions; whereas, the cumulative of administrative reductions for subsections a.—d. below shall be limited to 30 percent.


    Properties located within one-quarter mile of a regularly-scheduled public transit line, with headways 30 minutes or less during am/pm peak times, may be permitted a 15 percent reduction;


    Where healthy trees and/or tree stands exist and are preserved within a proposed parking area, the use/development may be permitted up to a 15 percent reduction;


    Properties located within the mixed-use district may be permitted a 15 percent reduction;


    Properties located within a special district may be permitted the parking reduction allowances listed in chapter 138, article VIII;


    A use/development requiring a minimum of 20 motor vehicle parking stalls may participate in a bicycle facility improvement program (BFIP) by providing on-site bicycle infrastructure to reduce the number of required motor vehicle parking by the following amounts:


    For each bicycle repair station that is installed by the developer, the development is allowed a reduction of two motor vehicle parking stalls. Each repair station should include a bicycle mount, tools, tire pump, or similar elements.


    For each covered bicycle station with racks that is installed by the developer, the use/development is allowed a reduction of four motor vehicle parking stalls.


    The use/development is allowed a reduction of five motor vehicle parking stalls for each designated on-site carpool/rideshare stall.

    Table 138-3602.a — Motor Vehicle Parking Stall Quantity Standards
    Land Use Minimum Motor Vehicle
    Parking Ratio
    Maximum Motor
    Vehicle Parking Ratio
    Accessory Dwelling Unit None None
    Assisted Living Facility 0.33 stalls per unit None
    Dwelling, Multifamily 1.5 stall per unit None
    Dwelling, Attached 1.5 stall per unit None
    Dwelling, Detached 2.0 stall per unit None
    Dwelling, Manufactured or Mobile Home 1.5 stall per unit None
    Bed and Breakfast 1.0 stall per room None
    Hotel 1.0 stall per room None
    Motel 1.0 stall per room
    RV Park/Campground 1.0 stall per campsite None
    Alcohol Dispensing 3.0 stalls per 1,000-sf None
    Bank 4.0 stalls per 1,000-sf 150% of minimum
    Health Club/Fitness Center 5.0 stalls per 1,000-sf 150% of minimum
    Office, General 2.5 stalls per 1,000-sf None
    Office, Medical 3.0 stalls per 1,000-sf None
    Office, Veterinary 1.5 stalls per 1,000-sf None
    Restaurant, Quality (4) 5.55 stalls per 1,000-sf 150% of minimum
    Restaurant, Sit-down (4) 10.6 stalls per 1,000-sf 150% of minimum
    Restaurant, Fast-food (4) 10.0 stalls per 1,000-sf 150% of minimum
    Restaurant, Fast-food with Drive Thru (4) 8.2 stalls per 1,000-sf 150% of minimum
    Retail Sales and Service 4.0 stalls per 1,000-sf 150% of minimum
    Shopping Center with a mix of retail, restaurant, and/or office tenants 4.0 stalls per 1,000-sf 150% of minimum
    Laboratories and Research and Development 2.5 stalls per 1,000-sf None
    Manufacturing 1.0 stall per 1,000-sf None
    Publishing and Printing 3.0 stalls per 1,000-sf None
    Storage, Self / Mini Warehouse 0.2 stall per 1,000-sf None
    Vehicle Repair 3.0 stalls plus 3 per service bay (each bay included as 1 stall) None
    Warehouse 0.5 stall per 1,000-sf None
    Commercial Recreation 6.0 stalls per 1,000-sf None
    Golf Courses 9 per golf course hole None
    Museum 1.0 stall per 1,000-sf None
    Park 4.0 stalls per acre None
    Performing Arts Center 0.25 stalls per seat (2) None
    Theater/Cinema 0.25 stalls per seat (2) None
    Congregate Care Facility 0.33 stalls per unit (2) None
    Day Care Facility, child and/or adult 3.0 stalls per 1,000-sf None
    Government Use 4.0 stalls per 1,000-sf None
    Hospital 3.5 stalls per bed (2) None
    Library 2.5 stalls per 1,000-sf None
    Meeting Halls and other Community Assembly 8.4 stalls per 1,000-sf (1) None
    Nursing Home 0.33 stalls per bed (2) None
    Place of Worship 8.4 stalls per 1,000-sf (1) None
    School, Pre-K—8 0.2 stalls per student (2) None
    School, 9-12 0.5 stalls per student (2) None
    School, Post-Secondary, University, and/or Colleges 0.5 stalls per student (2) None
    Shelter/Short-Term Housing 1.0 stall per 1,000-sf None
    Marina 0.30 stalls per berth None
    General Notes:
     1. The parking ratios for this use shall be based on only portions of the building that are primarily used for patrons and/or customers. Service areas, hallways, kitchens and similar building use areas may be exempt from the building area for the purposes of calculating parking.
     2. The parking ratio for this use may be based on the total building capacity.
     3. The use/development shall provide at least the minimum motor vehicle parking ratio but up to the maximum motor vehicle parking ratio.
     4. For the purposes of determining the motor vehicle parking quantity, the land use may be further defined by the traffic impact fee study (e.g., quality restaurant verses a sit down restaurant).



    Shared parking options: When any parking area is used for two or more uses, the minimum total number of required parking spaces shall be determined by using one of the following options:


    Option 1: Two or more individual uses or owners may share a parking facility if the total minimum number of required spaces conforms to the parking provisions of section 138-3602(a) when computed separately for each use or building type; OR


    Option 2: The individual uses may share a parking facility with reduced total amount of required parking spaces in accordance with Table 138-3602.b—Shared Parking Matrix and the following methodology.


    Determine the minimum parking quantities in accordance with the provisions of section 138-3602(a) to get the total minimum parking quantity required;


    Take the total minimum parking quantity required and divide it by the number that intersects with the two applicable, corresponding use functions in Table 138-3602.b.


    Use this number as the required minimum number of motor vehicle parking spaces that shall be provided at any given time. When uses are located on separate lots/parcels from where the parking is located, a legal instrument shall be provided to ensure long term, legal use of the parking facility by the subject users (e.g., parking agreement, easement or the like). The legal instrument must be approved by the county attorney.

    Table 138-3602.b—Shared Parking Matrix


    Accessible parking for disabled persons:

    Motor vehicle parking for persons with disabilities shall be provided in the following manner:


    Quantity: The use/development shall provide motor vehicle parking quantities listed in Table 338-3602.c—Minimum Number of Accessible Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls. The number of accessible stalls shall be a part of required parking as outlined in subsection (a) above and not in addition to.

    Table 138-3602.c—Minimum Number of Accessible Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls
    Total Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls in Lot
    Required Number of Accessible Stalls
    Up to 25 1
    26 to 50 2
    51 to 75 3
    76 to 100 4
    101 to 150 5
    151 to 200 6
    201 to 300 7
    301 to 400 8
    401 to 500 9
    501 to 1,000 2% of total
    Over 1,000 20 Plus 1 for each 100 spaces over 1,000
    General Notes:
     1. A minimum of four spaces for the disabled shall be provided at a hospital or physical rehabilitation center.



    Size: Accessible parking stalls for the disabled which are diagonal or perpendicular shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide and 18 feet deep.




    All accessible stalls for the disabled shall be provided with a curb cut or curb ramp to a pathway, a minimum of 44 inches wide, to provide access to the building served. The stall shall be located so that users will not be compelled to maneuver behind parked vehicles. Two accessible parking spaces may share a common access aisle.


    All accessible stalls shall have an adjacent access aisle measuring at least 60 inches wide. Parking access aisles shall be part of the accessible route to the building or facility entrance.


    Location: When considering all the parking on the site, the designated accessible spaces should be located closest to the primary building entrance. If there are multiple entrances or multiple retail stores, the accessible spaces must be dispersed to provide parking at the nearest building entrance.




    Accessible parking spaces shall be posted with a permanent above-grade sign bearing the international symbol of accessibility and the caption "parking by disabled permit only."


    Each such parking space must be prominently outlined in blue paint. The property owner shall be responsible to repaint the stalls as necessary.


    Parking location: The location for motor vehicle parking shall be consistent with the following:


    Required motor vehicle parking should be provided on the same site as the use(s) in which it serves; AND/OR


    All or portions of the required motor vehicle parking may be provided on a separate site as the use(s) in which it serves subject to the following:


    The off-site parking lot is either under the same ownership or officially allowed to be used to serve the subject land uses such as a lease agreement or other legal instruments; AND


    The off-site parking lot is generally within 600 feet AND readily accessible by walking, transit, and/or shuttle service. This distance standard may be waived if stated otherwise in a special district AND/OR if located in designated activity center pursuant to the comprehensive plan.


    Development standards for motor vehicle parking:

    This subsection is not applicable where parking for single-family detached, attached, two-family, and three-family units is provided as private driveways.


    Parking shall be provided consistent with the following standards:


    Parking may be provided in a motor vehicle parking lot; AND/OR


    Parking may be provided in a motor vehicle parking structure/garage; AND/OR


    Parking may be provided along the abutting street when allowed by the roadway facility owner (i.e., local government, developer, or property owners association) and subject to the following conditions:


    Only street parking that abuts the site may be counted towards satisfying the minimum parking quantity standard.


    Certain roadway improvements may be required to accommodate street parking.


    Due to physical constraints and/or roadway classifications, some roadways may not allow, or be suited for, street parking.


    Street parking stalls shall remain available to the general public and not be reserved for the sole use of the adjacent businesses.


    Parking stalls and associated aisles are subject to the following design standards.


    The minimum dimensional requirements for standard parking stalls and drive aisles are established in the following table; whereas, some additional reductions and allowances are listed the following subsections:

    Table 138-3602.d — Dimensional Requirements for Parking Stalls and Drive Aisles
    A B C D E F G
    0 8.0' 8.0' 12' 22' 28'
    20 9.0' 15.9' 11' 23.6' 41' 32.5'
    30 9.0' 17.3' 11' 18' 45.6' 37.8'
    40 9.0' 19.1' 12' 14' 50.2' 43.3'
    45 9.0' 19.8' 13' 12.7' 52.6' 46.2'
    50 9.0' 20.4' 14' 11.7' 52.8' 47'
    60 9.0' 21' 18' 10.4' 60' 55.5'
    70 9.0' 21' 19' 9.6' 61' 57.9'
    80 9.0' 20.3' 24' 9.1' 64.3' 62.7'
    90 9.0' 18' 24' 9.0' 60' -
    A - Parking angle (degrees)
    B - Minimum stall width (feet)
    C - Minimum stall depth to aisle (feet)
    D - Minimum drive aisle width (feet)
    E - Minimum curb length (feet)
    F - Minimum overall distance between curbs (or equivalent) for double row with drive aisle between (feet)
    G - Minimum distance between ends of stalls (or equivalent) for double row with drive aisle between



    Parking stall standards: Parking for motor vehicles shall meet the following standards:


    Standard parking stalls are subject to the dimensional standards as listed in Table 138-3602.d.


    The dimensional standards may be modified as part of a Type 1 Path B administrative adjustment process.


    Compact stalls:


    Compact stalls shall be at least eight feet × 16 feet.


    Compact stalls may be used to satisfy up to 20 percent of the minimum motor vehicle parking quantity for a site.


    Standard parking stall dimensions may be reduced to allow for two feet of vehicular overhang when abutting a landscaping area.


    Motor vehicle stalls located in a parking lot shall be designed to directly access a drive aisle and/or alley.


    Motorcycle/scooter stalls:


    Motorcycle/scooter stalls shall be at least four feet × eight feet.


    Motorcycle/scooter stalls may be used to satisfy up to five automobile spaces or five percent of the required parking spaces, whichever is less. Additionally, for every three motorcycle/scooter parking spaces provided, the automobile parking requirement is reduced by one space.


    Parking drive aisle standards: Motor vehicle parking lot drive aisles shall meet the following dimensional standards:


    Drive aisles are subject to the dimensional standards as listed in Table 138-3602.d.


    One-way: drive aisles shall be at least 12 feet wide.


    Two-way: drive aisles shall be at least 24 feet wide.


    Drive aisles may be reduced to respond to and protect existing trees. Any reductions must result in sound engineering practices for safe vehicle maneuvering.


    Surface materials:


    Parking lot stalls, driveways and drive aisles shall be constructed of asphalt, concrete, brick, pavers, or other similar material approved by the county.


    The following surface material exemptions may apply:


    Up to 50 percent of the motor vehicle parking stalls may be of grid pavers, reinforced grass, or other similar material approved by the county; OR


    Up to 100 percent of the motor vehicle parking areas for the following and similar uses may be grid pavers, grass, gravel, or other similar material approved by the county:


    Agricultural uses.


    Natural resources and wild life management areas.




    Parks and recreation areas.


    Places of worship, meeting halls and other community assembly facilities.


    Non-paved surfaces of parking areas and associated drives shall be stabilized and provided with appropriate dust control.


    All accessible stalls and accessways shall be paved with asphalt, concrete or similar hard-surface material approved by the county. Accessible parking for disabled persons requirements/standards may not be reduced.


    Access standards:


    All motor vehicle parking lots shall be designed to allow vehicles to enter and exit the street in a forward motion. An exception may be allowed in cases where parking is provided abutting an alley.


    A tandem parking arrangement may be allowed only when provided in the following situations:


    As part of an associated valet service; and/or


    As part of a multi-family development where the set of tandem stalls are assigned to the same unit; and/or


    As part of designated employee parking.


    Motor vehicle parking lots shall provide for internal vehicle connections at logical locations between abutting parking lots and adjacent non-residential and multi-family properties. Exceptions to this standard are allowed to protect natural resources, where onerous topographic features exist, and to comply with design restrictions from other governing agencies.


    Stacking requirements for parking lot entrances:


    Each parking lot driveway shall provide clear, unobstructed motor vehicle stacking lane distances between the street right-of-way and any motor vehicle parking stalls.


    Stacking distances shall not apply to driveways or portions of the parking lot that access an alley or neighboring parking lot.


    The use/development shall provide the minimum stacking lanes subject to Table 138-1602.e—Minimum Parking Lot Stacking Standards.

    Table 138-3602.e — Minimum Parking Lot Stacking Distances
    Total Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls in Lot
    Minimum Stacking Lane Distance Per Driveway Measured From the Road Right-of-Way to a Parking Stall
    1—49 25-ft
    50—249 50-ft
    250 or more 100-ft



    Design criteria:


    Motor vehicle parking lots shall also be constructed consistent with any zoning district design criteria and any applicable specific use standards that may apply to the proposed use.




    Development standards for residential driveway/garage parking:


    On-site parking for single-family detached, attached, two-family, and three-family units may be provided in a driveway, carport, and/or in a garage. Parking provided as parking lots shall be applicable to the standards in subsection (e).


    Residential private driveways shall be subject to the following development standards:


    Minimum width: ten feet.


    Maximum width: the portions of the driveway that connect to the public right-of-way shall be subject to the following width limitations:


    Twenty feet for lots less than 80 feet wide.


    Thirty-three percent of the lot width up to a maximum of 28 feet for lots 80 feet wide or more.


    Minimum depth:


    Driveways that are used for parking shall provide at least 20 feet of depth as measured from the adjacent street right-of-way.


    Driveways that have less than 20 feet of depth as measured from the adjacent right-of-way may not be used for motor vehicle parking. To discourage illegal parking, no structure shall be constructed/installed that results in a driveway depth that measures between five feet and 20 feet from the adjacent street right-of-way.


    Surface materials:


    The portion of the driveway located within the right-of-way shall be constructed of materials approved by the county.


    The portion of the driveway located within the property boundaries shall be constructed of asphalt, concrete, brick, pavers, grid pavers, crushed stone, rock, gravel or other similar material approved by the county. Grass or landscaped strips may be provided outside the wheel support sections of the drive (e.g., ribbon driveways).


    Electric vehicle charging stations.


    An electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) is an optional site element that provides power supply to electric motor vehicles.


    Where an EVCS is provided, the adjacent parking shall be reserved for vehicles that can be electrically charged.

(Ord. No. 18-36 , § 3(Att. B), 10-23-18)