§ 138-1090. P-RM, Preservation-Resource Management District.  

Latest version.
  • The P-RM, Preservation-Resource Management District regulates the use of environmentally-significant properties where the conservation and management of important natural and water resources is a priority. Environmental research and resource-based recreational and educational uses that promote environmental stewardship, consistent with an approved management plan for the respective county-owned or managed property, are compatible with this district, as is the provision of public potable water supply in those areas designated with a Resource Management Overlay (RMO) on the future land use map (FLUM).

    The intent of the PR-M district with the application of an RMO is to provide for both the conservation and management of important natural resources, as well as, the ability to develop and manage potable water supply resources and assets, and to protect the functional integrity of natural aquifer recharge areas and potable wellfields in a manner that preserves and enhances water quantity and quality.

(Ord. No. 18-36 , § 3(Att. B), 10-23-18)