§ 138-1070. Definition, purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • The environmental districts implement the natural resource conservation, and protection goals and policies of the Pinellas County Comprehensive Plan. The AL, PC, and P-RM districts are assigned to environmentally sensitive lands and limit development and natural resource disturbance.


    AL, Aquatic Lands District — The purpose of the AL, Aquatic Lands District is to protect coastal waterways and coastal wetlands. The district limits land uses from being established and expanded that would otherwise disturb coastal natural resources. Uses are limited to recreation, docks, and stormwater management facilities.


    PC, Preservation/Conservation District — The purpose of the PC, Preservation/Conservation District is to designate and protect properties containing natural resources. The district limits land uses from being established and expanded that would result in alternatives and degradation of significant natural resources. Uses are generally limited to recreation, docks, stormwater management facilities, and research.


    P-RM, Preservation-Resource Management District — The purpose of the P-RM, Preservation-Resource Management District is to designate and protect areas where the conservation and management of important natural and potable water resources are priorities, and to recognize those functional open space areas that are essential to the health, safety and welfare of the county's residents.

(Ord. No. 18-36 , § 3(Att. B), 10-23-18)