§ 138-760. Definition, purpose and intent of districts.  

Latest version.
  • The employment and industrial districts implement the industrial, manufacturing, and employment policies of the Pinellas County Comprehensive Plan. Each zone is established to achieve a certain industrial, manufacturing and/or employment characteristic and land use intensity. Some zones are intended to support industrial and employment at a smaller, community-oriented scale, while others support large and regionally significant employment centers. The employment and industrial zoning districts are intended to accommodate industrial and manufacturing operations that contribute to the county's economic vitality while protecting surrounding uses through sound site design, buffering, and compatibility standards.


    E-1, Employment 1 and E-2, Employment 2 Districts — These districts are established to support employment uses but limited in scale to be compatible with surrounding uses. The E-1 district is intended for research and development, and low intensity industrial and manufacturing activities by limiting certain uses, limiting intensities, and imposing standards to ensure compatibility with nearby residential and commercial districts. Most manufacturing in this district occurs indoors and/or in highly screened areas. The purpose of the E-2 district is to provide areas within the county that allow and support limited-manufacturing, warehousing, service offices, large/bulky item sales, and other intensive commercial uses.


    I, Heavy Industry District — The I district is intended for intensive industrial and manufacturing activities by allowing a wider variety of uses, increased intensities, and limited site design standards to recognize and accommodate more intense operations that contribute to the economic vitality of the region.


    IPD, Industrial Planned Development District — The purpose of the IPD district is to allow employment areas to be master planned as highly specialized and technological industries, industrial support facilities, research and experimental institutions, administrative facilities and commercial uses, all of which are within a planned industrial park. The IPD is planned at the developer's option with a land use mix that is unique to the site and is implemented through a development master plan. The IPD district is a land planning option that may be used as an alternative to other industrial zones.

(Ord. No. 18-36 , § 3(Att. B), 10-23-18)