§ 98-1. Distribution of materials or goods, solicitation of contributions from occupants of vehicles.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the county; to assure the free, orderly, undisrupted movement of motorized vehicles on county roads; to promote traffic safety; and to provide for safety in the interest of both occupants of motorized vehicles located on county roads and distributors and solicitors.




    Arterial roads shall mean those streets and highways intended to serve moderate to large traffic volumes traveling relatively long distances. The speed limits and level of service are higher than on other roads. Arterials are well controlled and, in general, limited to collector streets and highways. Arterials are used to surround neighborhoods and connect widely separated rural and suburban communities. The arterial system forms a continuous network designed for a free flow of through traffic.


    Collector roads shall mean roadways that are intended to serve as the connecting link for local streets and highways and to provide intra neighborhood transportation. The traffic characteristics generally consist of relatively short trip lengths, moderate speeds and volumes. The collector system is discontinuous and unevenly distributed throughout the planning area. It is primarily a residentially oriented system which filters traffic from local streets before their capacity is exceeded and conducts it to arterial facilities or local generators such as shopping centers, schools or community centers.


    Operating motorized vehicle shall mean a vehicle which is in operation with its motor running, but shall not include any legally parked vehicle or vehicle parked illegally in a legal parking zone.


    Road shall mean any street, roadbed, or median, and all ways open to travel by operators of motorized vehicles on state, municipal and county highway systems within the county.


    Solicitation shall mean any charitable or business solicitation, which shall further be defined as follows:


    Charitable solicitation shall include any solicitation or attempted solicitation of money, donations of money, property, financial assistance, service or any other thing of value on the plea or representation that such money, property, financial assistance, service or other thing of value or portion thereof will be used for a charitable, patriotic, public, philanthropic, or political purpose;


    Business solicitation shall include any solicitation for the purpose of employment or occupation in which a person is engaged to procure a living or realize a profit; or




    No person shall be upon or go upon any road for the purpose of solicitation to or from the occupant of any operating motorized vehicle located within the county.


    No person shall be upon or go upon any road for the purpose of distributing literature to or from the occupant of any operating motorized vehicle located within the county.


    No person shall be within four feet of the edge of arterial roads or collector roads for the purpose of solicitation or distribution of literature to or from the occupant of any operating motorized vehicle located within the county.


    Territory embraced. All public state, county and municipal roads within the legal boundaries of the county shall be embraced by the provisions of this section.


    Periodic review. The county shall periodically review all roads for designation and may make additions or deletions to those designations based on changes in traffic volume, rights-of-way, designs, accident rates, or other appropriate criteria.


    Notice. The county periodic review and designation of roadways are public records and shall be made available to the public upon request pursuant to 1997 F.S. § 119.07(1)(a).


    Penalty. Violations of this section are punishable as provided in section 1-8.

(Ord. No. 90-74, §§ 1—6, 9-11-90; Ord. No. 99-30, § 1, 3-23-99)

Cross reference

Businesses, ch. 26; roadside markets, § 26-151 et seq.; peddlers and solicitors, § 42-201 et seq.; charitable solicitations, § 42-266 et seq.