§ 90-145. Public art and design.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Public art and design funding. Subject to the availability of annual funding, a public art and design account or accounts shall be established by the county for monies appropriated by this article as well as gifts and grants of a monetary nature from other sources. All appropriations pursuant to this article shall inure to the use and benefit of the county, and said proceeds, together with the interest thereon, shall only be expended in accordance with the provisions of this article.


    Public art and design funds shall be expended in accordance with the county-approved public art and design program. An annual program may be presented to the board of county commissioners outlining the projected art projects and associated costs for the upcoming year. The committee shall provide recommendations to the board of county commissioners for disbursement.


    Funds may be used for artists' design services, the development of design concepts and models, for the selection, acquisition, installation, and exhibition of artworks.


    At the time of approval of the initial budget or budget amendments for capital improvement projects, the board may appropriate from the one percent local option infrastructure sales tax proceeds an amount up to one percent of the total eligible costs of the project or projects.


    Funds appropriated from the budget for one capital improvement project, but not deemed necessary or appropriate for that project, may be pooled with funds attributed to budgets for other projects and may be used for any art and design project in the county, subject to the art and design plan.


    Funds not expended on encumbered and approved projects that are not completed by the close of any fiscal year shall be carried over to subsequent fiscal years until the project is completed.


    Public art and design committee. The committee shall be appointed by the board of county commissioners to act in the public interest on all matters relating to this article, including, selection, operation, maintenance, administration, planning, education and curatorship of the public art and design program.


    Membership. The committee shall be composed of the following seven members provided that, as the need arises, the committee may appoint others to provide expertise or otherwise represent a particular interest unique to a location or characteristic of an artwork.


    One member selected by the board of county commissioners.


    One member from the local arts agency.


    Two members who are private citizens of the county with knowledge and appreciation for visual art.


    Three members who are arts professionals.


    Compensation. Members of the committee shall serve without compensation.




    Members shall serve four-year terms in staggered terms to retain experience among the committee members.


    No member shall serve for more than two full terms, plus the remaining portion of the prior member's term if the member has been appointed to fill the unexpired term of a prior member.


    Any member who consistently fails to attend meetings without prior approval of the chair shall be removed and a new member shall be appointed to complete the term.




    Subject to the availability of annual funding, the committee shall prepare and present a public art and design program to the board of county commissioners for the purpose of establishing an itemized and prioritized list of anticipated art projects. The committee shall also prepare and present recommendations to the board of county commissioners, whenever appropriate, in any matter relating to the public art and design program.


    The committee shall prepare implementation guidelines, selection procedures and organizational policies to facilitate this article, and to govern the manner and method of submission of proposed artworks to the committee, subject to approval by the board of county commissioners.


    The committee may act as a liaison with private developers to encourage and facilitate private contributions, and private art installations within corporate construction and alternation projects.


    The committee may advise and inform the board of acquisitions, installations, and temporary displays of artworks and other public art activities.


    The committee may identify appropriate projects or spaces to locate or display artworks. Funds appropriated against a particular project may be used to locate art at the same project or may be pooled for use elsewhere, if permitted by the funding source.


    The committee may coordinate, investigate and recommend other means by which artworks may be obtained, including donations to the trust fund, gifts and loans of artwork to the county, creation of additional nonprofit organizations, and grant applications.


    The committee may educate and stimulate the participation of all citizens in a joint public and private effort to promote the public art and design program.


    The committee shall work closely with the local arts agency to assure an overall consistency in the public art and design program.


    The committee shall receive recommendations from county staff as to appropriate locations for artworks and shall consult with the architect or the project manager of the county project for which an artwork is proposed.


    Organization; selection of chair.


    Immediately after the appointment of the first committee members, the committee shall organize by electing one of its members as chair. The chair's terms shall be decided by the committee. In the event the chair's position becomes vacant, a new chair shall be elected by the committee immediately after such vacancy is filled.


    The presence of four members shall constitute a quorum.




    The committee shall meet as necessary to fulfill its duties herein, and may adopt rules for governing the conduct of its affairs.


    All meetings shall be open to the public and minutes kept including the vote of each committee member.


    Selection process.


    The committee shall select and acquire works of art of the highest quality and which are consistent with the public art and design program work plan as approved by the board of county commissioners.


    The committee shall select and acquire artworks that are appropriate in scale, material, form and content for the general, social and physical environment with which they are to relate.

(Ord. No. 11-20, § 1, 6-14-11)