§ 90-142. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this article, the definitions contained in this section shall apply unless otherwise specifically stated. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular, and words in singular number include the plural.

    Annual public art and design program shall mean an itemized and prioritized list of anticipated art projects including the objectives, design approach, budgets and scheduling for the upcoming year. The annual public art and design program shall be developed by the public art and design committee in consultation with county agencies and the local arts agency and shall be presented to the board of county commissioners for approval.

    Arts and cultural programs include, but are not limited to, music, dance, theater, creative writing, literature, architecture, painting, sculpture, folk arts, photography, crafts, media arts, visual arts, programs of museums, and other such allied, major art forms.

    Artwork shall mean works in a variety of media produced by professional visual artists, encompassing a broad range of expression, media and materials. Works may be permanent, temporary, or functional.

    Capital improvement project shall mean any facility or system funded for construction or renovation wholly or in part by the county, including buildings, parks, roads, bridges, or other above-ground project, but does not include major drainage, solid waste, emergency medical services, water or wastewater projects.

    Committee shall mean the public arts and design committee.

    County means Pinellas County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida.

    Cultural grant programs shall mean grant programs established and/or administered by the local arts agency to enhance the stability and development of both well-established and emerging tax exempt arts and cultural organizations operating in the county; support professional development for and special projects and/or recognition of arts teachers and artists; and provide such other grants programs as established by the local arts agency.

    Eligible construction costs shall mean the total capital project appropriation, including engineering and design, but excluding costs of incidental equipment, real property acquisition, and environmental remediation.

    Local arts agency means the public or private nonprofit organization in Pinellas County operating on a permanent basis for the primary purpose of strengthening, supporting, and stabilizing the activities of one or more county art and cultural constituencies, as designated by the board of county commissioners as provided in this article.

    Public places shall mean all spaces owned by the county, indoor or outdoor, that are accessible and visible to the general public and located where residents and visitors live or congregate.

(Ord. No. 11-20, § 1, 6-14-11)