§ 90-5. Vehicles and traffic control.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Traffic control. All persons, including those operating vehicles and bicycles as defined herein, shall observe and comply with posted traffic control devices and signs within all county-owned or managed lands.


    Speed of vehicles. Within any county-owned or managed land, no person shall operate a vehicle at a speed that is greater than reasonable or prudent, having due regard for the surface width and surface condition and the traffic thereon, particularly when near pedestrians, horses, bicyclists or other public-use trails. At no time shall speed exceed the posted speed limit or 25 miles per hour if no speed limit is posted.


    Restriction to roads. No person shall operate any vehicle within parks or environmental lands except on areas approved for vehicular use.


    Parking. All vehicles shall be parked only in designated parking areas or in such other areas and at such other times as may be authorized by appropriate signage. Oversized vehicles and trailer vehicles shall not exceed the limits of the parking space.


    Bicycles. Bicycles shall only be ridden on roads and trails designated for bicycle traffic within parks and environmental lands and are prohibited on boardwalks. Where provided, bicycle racks must be used for the parking of bicycles. Bicycles shall not be chained or locked to trees, any other plant life or structures, or placed so as to obstruct pedestrian or vehicular movement.


    Entering county-owned or managed lands. Any person entering or leaving a county-owned or managed land, whether by foot, vehicle, or bicycle, shall do so solely through designated entry and exit points. No vehicle, except as authorized by the department, shall enter or park in any county-owned or managed land until the required fee, if any, has been paid.


    Vehicle emergencies. In case of emergency requiring a vehicle to stop or park in an unauthorized location, the driver must immediately report to a county employee or volunteer to receive an exemption from this section. Commercial activities necessary to remove or repair a vehicle in the case of an emergency are permitted.


    Soliciting rides or fares. No pedestrian shall solicit rides from any driver nor shall any driver of any vehicle or bicycle solicit riders for money or fares, in any county-owned or managed land unless authorized by the department.


    Washing and maintenance. No person shall wash, grease, repair, or perform maintenance on a vehicle on any park roadway, parkway, driveway, parking lot, or other property, except in emergencies; provided that waxing and polishing is permitted if it is in an area open to vehicles and does not interfere with other activities or traffic flow.


    Miscellaneous motorized vehicles. No unauthorized person shall operate any motorized scooter, motorized skateboards, go-cart, all-terrain vehicle, golf cart or electric cart in any parks or environmental lands. No electric or motorized toy vehicles are allowed on county-owned or managed lands, except in prescribed areas. The prohibitions herein shall not apply to an electric personal assistive mobility device to the extent authorized by state law.

(Ord. No. 10-44, § 1, 9-28-10; Ord. No. 16-40, § 5, 7-19-16)