§ 66-51. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Caterer means any food service establishment where food or drink is prepared for service elsewhere. Such term includes catering kitchens, commissaries and places which provide multiuse eating or drinking utensils, with or without charge.

    Commissary means a food service establishment or any other commercial establishment in which food, containers or supplies are kept, handled, prepared, packaged or stored, or where utensils are sanitized.

    Community based residential facility means any institution, building, residence, private home, or other place, whether operated for profit or not, including those places operated by a county or municipality, which undertakes through its ownership or management to provide housing, food service, nursing care or custodial care over a period exceeding 24 hours for three or more persons not related to the owner or manager by blood or marriage, but shall not include any place providing care and treatment primarily for the acutely ill. A facility offering services for less than three persons shall be within the meaning of this definition if it holds itself out to the public to be an establishment which regularly provides such services.

    Food means any raw, cooked or processed edible substance, ice, beverage or ingredient used or intended for use, in whole or in part, for human consumption.

    Food service establishment means any place where food is prepared and intended for individual portion service, and includes any such place regardless of whether consumption is on or off the premises and regardless of whether there is a charge for the food. The term also includes delicatessen-type operations that prepare sandwiches, salads and other food intended for individual service, or establishments where dishes, glasses, utensils, or equipment for food preparation or service are washed. The term does not include private homes where food is prepared or served for individual family consumption, candy counters, or vending machines, and does not include food service establishments licensed pursuant to F.S. Ch. 500, F.S. Ch. 509, or F.S. Ch. 381.

    Minimum requirements set by law means all requirements set by state statutes and regulations adopted thereunder, including but not limited to chapters 64E-11 and 64E-12 of the Florida Administrative Code, and county and municipal ordinances, as amended, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference as part of this division. Sections 64E-11.004(2) and 64E-12.004(2)(g)(h) of the Florida Administrative Code shall apply as minimum requirements for all facilities permitted under this division regardless of the number of residents in care.

    Mobile food unit means any vehicle-mounted food service establishment which is self-propelled or movable from place to place. The term does not include mobile food units licensed pursuant to F.S. Ch. 500, F.S. Ch. 509, or F.S. Ch. 381.

    Temporary food service establishment means any food service establishment which operates at a fixed location for a temporary period of time or not more than 18 consecutive days in conjunction with a single event or celebration. The term does not include temporary food service establishments licensed pursuant to F.S. Ch. 500, or F.S. Ch. 509.

(Ord. No. 75-3, § 1, 1-7-75; Ord. No. 75-13, § 5, 6-3-75; Ord. No. 84-13, § 1, 5-1-84; Ord. No. 89-19, § 1, 5-9-89; Ord. No. 03-53, § 1, 7-1-03)

Cross reference

Definitions generally, § 1-2.