Pinellas County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 38-100. Redevelopment of nonconforming mobile home parks.
It is recognized that many older, declining mobile home parks have legally nonconforming densities exceeding what is currently allowable by the Land Development Code and comprehensive plan. Many of these parks continue to deteriorate and provide marginal living conditions to the county's most vulnerable populations. As an incentive to redevelop such outdated mobile home parks, while maintaining neighborhood affordability and compatibility, the following redevelopment provisions may be applied:
Notwithstanding the requirements of chapter 138, article IV, division 9, legally established nonconforming mobile home parks (in any zoning district) located within a community redevelopment area and in existence prior to January 30, 1990, may be redeveloped as a special exception use. An affordable housing density bonus may be granted up to the existing legally established density as verified by existing site plans on file. A concept plan shall be required as part of the application for the special exception and affordable housing density bonus.
Application of this section shall require approval of a site plan in accordance with this section and Chapter 154 Site Development and Platting.
The redevelopment site plan shall conform to the following:
Permitted uses.
Single-family, duplex, triplex and townhome dwellings, stacked flats (no more than eight attached townhomes/stacked flats per building).
Customary accessory structures and uses such as home occupations and accessory dwelling units.
Property development regulations.
Maximum density, floor area ratio and impervious surface ratio shall be in accordance with the approved special exception.
Maximum height shall not exceed 45 feet.
Minimum lot size: N/A.
Front: Minimum ten feet, maximum 15 feet, 20 feet to front loading garage. It is preferred that access to garages be via rear alleys, rather than the primary frontage.
Side: Five feet (single-family); otherwise zero.
Rear: Five feet.
The following housing construction types shall be allowable in order to provide for more affordable housing choices:
Modular homes: Homes constructed in sections or pieces (usually in a manufacturing facility) and assembled on a residential home site. Modular homes must meet all requirements of the Florida Building Code.
Container homes: Homes constructed from repurposed shipping containers. Such homes must meet all residential construction standards of the Florida Building Code. Container home exteriors, at a minimum, shall be painted to replace the industrial finish and remove any original signage. Exterior cladding, doors, windows, porches, and similar architectural elements are encouraged.
Tiny homes, subject the standards of the Florida Building Code.
New or replacement manufactured housing constructed after June 1994.
The mobile home park must not be considered "abandoned" in accordance with section 138-1.
Redevelopment plans must meet the criteria of an affordable housing development as defined in section 138-1346.
An acceptable mobile home tenant relocation plan must be demonstrated as part of the special exception.
Redevelopment under this section shall not be permitted within the coastal storm area or the 100-year floodplain.
Established Mobile home redevelopment projects, subsequently damaged, may be re-established in accordance with the approved special exception.
(Ord. No. 17-22, § 3, 7-18-17)