§ 110-36. Revolving fund.  

Latest version.
  • In order to carry out the provisions of this article, the board of county commissioners may create with general funds of the county a revolving fund. If moneys on deposit in such revolving fund are advanced to pay the cost of all or any part of improvements constructed under this article, the board shall reimburse such revolving fund with the proceeds of bonds issued under this article or from the collections of special assessments relating to the improvement for which such funds were advanced. The board may also levy a tax not to exceed five mills annually to set up sufficient moneys in the revolving fund for the purpose of this article.

(Laws of Fla. ch. 63-1783, § 26; Ord. No. 16-24, § 8, 5-10-16)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 16-24, § 8, adopted May 10, 2016, renumbered former § 110-56 as § 110-36.